
Berthas little World

Hello there,

this is to introduce myself and my work in SL.
I am a 29 years old sysadmin crazy about Second Life.

My alter ego was born on 10/14/2007 in Egg Land ;-)
I have started SL as a simple noob, doing most of the time things, that noobs did in those days: camping:
Camping was pretty booring - especially after all these camping-bots came up. I don't remember why, but I think this was the time, where I started with my work. My first self-made uploads were an anti-bot-shirt and a sign that I could hold while camping:

After that I started with the help of Bublee Bing and Joline Benelli my firt own collection of stuff to sell. I thought that it would be best to start off with stuff I could make in-world while camping in order to have enough money for uploads ;-) My first collection of stuff was rucksacks and tools - all attachments made in-world. I opened my first shop with the help of Bacula Bing, Bublees husband, in Egg Land in a container-park:
Currently I run four shops in SL, one in Egg Land, which will be changed in the next couple of weeks, one in Neko Mall , one in Isle of Tharen one in Samiaa and my current mainstore is in Jersey. Come and visit me in world and browse through my shops. I promise you'll like it ;-)

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